Friday, October 30, 2009

We have had a busy week and are looking forward to the Sabbath. From the beginning, God intended for His people to focus both on work and take time to rest. We participate in the Sabbath when we cease from our labors - and take time to enjoy our family, our friends and share time together focusing on God our Father and Jesus Christ.

We will be meeting at the MTC office location at 2:30 PM on October 31. This week we're exploring the experience of doing good for others - and having them kick you in the teeth. It is a challenging experience about which the Apostle Peter had something to say.

Guy Swenson
317-707-5026 or

Friday, October 23, 2009

Traveling Sabbath

This Sabbath, October 24, members of our congregation are visiting sister churches and those of other denominations. No Common Ground services will be held in Indianapolis this week.

Over the next several weeks will be preparing for our next "Kids Camp" outreach, scheduled on 11/19. Last time we had 39 kids from the westside neighborhood. If you are looking for a ministry opportunity with children, contact Keri Seelig at or 317-707-5026.

Guy Swenson

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mission to Children in Indianapolis

We've returned from our annual church festival celebrating the prospect of the return of Jesus Christ as King of Kings and the time pictured in Ezekiel 37 of all people who never knew of Jesus being resurrected and given the opportunity to become a servant of God.

This Sabbath, October 17th, our local congregation will have its meeting at the Lord's Pantry at Anna's House in Indianapolis. We will be working with neighborhood children with our "First Outreach" program. We really enjoy spending time with these fine young people.

We've also been in touch with Lemuel Vega, who has a remarkable prison ministry. Through a pastoral friend with the Seventh Day Adventists, I was invited to work with Lemuel at the Plainfield, IN correctional facility this summer. We preached to about 1,000 offendors over a period of three days. Remembering prisoners and helping them to find the way to become free in Christ is something that Jesus preached. Lemuel has a need for financial support and participation in his meetings with prisoners. Contact me if you have an interest in Lemuel's ministry.

For more information, contact me at 317-707-5026 or

Guy Swenson