Friday, April 9, 2010

India Mission Report

This Sabbath we will be hearing a message from Brian Smith who has just returned from a mission trip to India.

A number of years ago Brian made contact with several Christian groups in predominantly Hindu areas. It has been facinating to hear Brian tell the story how these Christian leaders have taken into their care widows who were abandoned by their families.

In parts of India there appears to be a very different perspective about widows. Rather than receiving support, when a woman becomes a widow she is ostracized by her family. These Christian leaders have reached out to those widows (who are also of the Untouchable class) and provided them with food, shelter and are trying to establish work opportunities.

Brian has created "Kardias Ministries" ( to broaden support for Christians in India. Kardias is led by Brian and his wife, Stephanie, as one of the ministries sponsored and supported by Common Ground Christian Ministries.

You are welcome to listen with us to Brian's report at our meeting this Sabbath at 2:30 PM in the multipurpose room at the MTC offices. 7545 Rockville Road, Indianapolis, IN 46214. Contact Guy Swenson at 317-313-1544 if you have any questions.



Guy Swenson