Most of the neighborhood children don't know the basic Bible stories and values. We are investing one Sabbath afternoon a month with them. Julie Malloy from the Lord's Pantry at Anna's House has been enormously supportive. Reaching a new generation with the Good News of Jesus Christ and the hope of the Kingdom of God is important to us as a congregation.
Julie told us that kids were showing up at 9 AM asking if it was time for Camp Outreach.
Our next outreach is October 17 at 2:30 PM. Some pictures follow.
We are now entering the fall Holy Day season. Many Christians have never experienced the joy Jesus and the apostles shared on the Holy Days. These annual festivals mark major milestones in God's plan of salvation. Beginning with Jesus as our Passover we are reminded each year of our Father in Heaven's grace extended to us personally and ultimately how God will bring eternal life to all those who will submit to Him. The next Holy Day is the Feast of Trumpets on September 19th. Our congregation will be joining a sister church in Cincinnati for services.
If you want to contact Common Ground Christian Ministries, call 317-707-5026 or email Guy Swenson at
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