Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We are into the fall festival season. Our local group will enjoy our Sabbath study, songs and snacks at 2:30 PM on September 26th at the MTC office, 7545 Rockville Road. We celebrate the Day of Atonement on Monday, September 28th. Services will be held at the same location at 2:30 PM.

Why observe the Holy Days? Jesus, the apostles and the New Testament Church of God observed these days as reminders of God's plan of offering salvation to the entire world and bringing lasting peace to the nations. For Christians, each Holy Day has a special meaning, beginning with the Passover depicting Jesus as the Lamb of God. With the exception of Pentecost, institutional Christianity has lost the meaning of these days and the blessing we receive by observing them.

What has replaced the Holy Days that God revealed and Jesus observed? Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, days venerating saints and even Halloween have become the center of "Christian" holy day/holiday observances. In doing so, they have eclipsed some of the hope, meaning and values that Jesus wants to share with His disciples.

Jesus and the New Testament apostles used the Holy Days to give hope and direction to the disciples. You are invited to join us in celebrating that same hope!

Guy Swenson

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